Crazy Talk offer extended until November 2nd 2009

FAO – ALL Interested Staff

I am pleased to inform you that TAG Learning have offered to extend the time available to Staffordshire schools to order Crazy Talk 6 at discounted prices. This is an excellent piece of software to encourage development of Literacy and cross-curricular writing.

If you are a Staffordshire school and want to take advantage of this offer you need to email quoting Staffordshire CT6 Offer in the subject line. This must be done before the end of November 2nd (first day back after half term)

The price is £9.67 per licence and a minimum order for 5 licences must be placed.

Those small schools who attended the “What’s in my Bag?” project during the summer were provide with a 5 user licence for Crazy Talk 5 – you can upgrade your licences to Crazy Talk 6 for £4.83 each.

Please note

• If you are a Primary school and have been informed that you are getting ICT or Literacy support from September 2009 we will be providing a 5 user licence as part of your support. You can of course order more.
• This is a new release version of Crazy Talk and requires a minimum of 1gb RAM to work.

Want to know more about what Crazy Talk does – then visit